About Us
Our vision is to provide our customers with a wide variety of 100% Pure, Organic and Premium honey which is ethically and sustainably sourced from pristine forests and valleys of India. Our mission is to get a space in the heart and the kitchen of every household in India and make our honey a part of everyday lifestyle.

Why Our Honey
The typical branded honey available at a supermarket is highly processed and filtered several times to standardize the taste and texture of the product. This process of filtration destroys all the enzymes and nutritious properties of the honey and what consumers get is basically just a sweet sugar syrup.
The flavor and texture of the honey varies on the region, season and the flower from which the bees collect the nectar. We provide a wide range of honey which is collected from different regions, different bees, and different flowers and thus each of our products has a unique taste. We package our honey in such a way that all the beneficial enzymes and nutritious properties are intact so our consumers can experience nature’s symphony of flavors.
No violence against the bees
Our team ensures that honey collection is done in a way which minimizes the trauma on the bees and there are no health issues for the bees. During the extraction process, there is minimal damage to the beehive and the process is cruelty-free.

Fairly compensating our Indian Farmers
We procure the honey from indigenous forest tribes and farmers across different regions of India and we ensure that ‘the hardest workers’ and the ‘pride and joy’ of our economy are fairly compensated for their hard work and following sustainable practices.